Los tiempos avanzan y ahora lo megaguay es separar. La Bio-religión predica convertir las aceras en filas de gigantescas vagonetas muliticolores en donde depositar separados la multitud de desechos superprácticos encontrando un tren de la bruja en cada calle, para que con nuestro pequeño sacrificio diario ayudemos al pobre contratista a no tener que meter obreros en su planta de reciclado como era habitual, a reducir costes empresariales sin descuento en nuestro recibo de basura, colocando recipientes grandes y cada vez más grandes convertidos ya en las genuinas esculturas urbanas de nuestro tiempo “Oiga, por favor ¿la plaza de Santa Catalina? – Ah, sí, ahí ... detrás de los contenedores".
Once upon a time Spaniards had a wild life, no conscious of recycling, it was unthinkable the utility of placing garbage correctly separated in suitable containers the poor man carried a rag bag embroidered with the word “bread” when he was going to buy some bread and he also used to take a empty bottle marked with word “milk” when he used to buy some milk. He was so old-fashioned that never would have asked a bunch of free bags in mall having his own basket or no returned glass packs if he could barely get spare coins turning the empty bottles back. In wine shop he filled his demijohn very well washed because it was not known Don Simon Tetra bricks (pronounced with foreign accent) and if you had a puncture it was not necessary to buy the whole tubeless wheel, just a patch was enough. Wristwatches needed a pendulum mechanism and not nickel-cadmium battery, I swear people know what the time was. Razor blade used to last medium adult age and was not necessary to remove disposable razors. A basil pot under his window could substitute forty electric tablets against bugs.
In the bar your hamburger was served on a plate and it was washed later however it was not so nice than finding the meat slice among cardboards surrounded with plastic bags filled of ketchup and big Coke disposable glasses . To arouse the children on the environment it was not necessary to have three-page leaflets, balloons decorated with little trees, neither caps of cardboard, nor stickers, was enough to explain it in a blackboard with a chalk.
The times progress and now the fashion megacool is separating. The Bio-religion preaches to turn the sidewalks into rows of gigantic coloured trucks where to deposit well separated a lot of superpractical tailing finding a carousel train in every street, so with our small daily sacrifice we help the poor contractor not to have to put workers in his recycling plant as usual to reducing managerial costs without discount in our receipt or garbage, placing big containers turned already into the genuine urban sculptures of our time “Excuse me, Do you know where Santa Catalina square is? –Of course I do, there… behind the containers”.