One is not a very enthusiast friend of nostalgia but jazz music from Dixie lands comes to my head. I am still hearing the unexpected Ragtime on any corner of New Orleans, the sound of clarinet that meddles in the base melody of trombonists, trumpets and saxos. Katrina sounds loudly but it does not sound well, she should never have crossed the Mississippi.
miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2005
miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2005
Nunca más "Nunca Mais"
Galicia se quema sola y sin Nunca Mais
lunes, 22 de agosto de 2005
Historias de patio
lunes, 15 de agosto de 2005
Diario de un lunes
A eso de las siete y algo me eché al hombro un ataúd, lo había hecho ya alguna vez pero ésta fue por placer, era un buen tipo, nos había hecho reír tanto tantas veces que a casi nadie se le hubiera ocurrido llorar. Lo arrastramos hasta el fondo del nicho como si escondiéramos en lo alto del armario los regalos de los Reyes Magos... y pesaba, su alma no había debido de irse. Era lógico.
martes, 9 de agosto de 2005
My Spine and G.W. Bush
In 2001 Bush banned federal dollars for stem cell research beyond existing cell lines, although private groups have paid for some new research. A Senate bill would lift those restrictions.
"There are ethical dilemmas when it comes to science, and I think it's very important for a government to recognize those ethical dilemmas," Bush told the reporters. "The dilemma I was faced with was do I allow the destruction of life in order to advance science."
In the interview, conducted shortly before Bush left for a monthlong stay at his Texas ranch.........I wonder, if G.W. Bush falls from his bicycle while on vacation and receives a spine injury will he say the same words?
daylight savings
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
daylight savings time
If U.S. President George W. Bush signs it into law, the plan means Americans would turn their clocks forward one hour on the first weekend of March, instead of April, and "fall back" on the final weekend in November instead of October.Congress believes the extension would trim energy costs by cutting the need for artificial light in the evenings.The change, due to take effect this autumn if Bush approves it, could cause headaches for Canadians during March and November, the two months the two countries would be out of sync.The end result is suppose to be less energy consumption for the U.S.A. and a lot of headaches for Canada and Mexico. Has President Bush asked Las Vegas to turn off their lights? Or perhaps Times Square could turn off the lights at night? Anybody from Mexico have an opinion on President Bush's Daylight Savings Time Agenda?
posted by Inflated Opinion at 11:00
jueves, 4 de agosto de 2005
Mi más sentida enhorabuena a los astronautas que han sido capaces de arreglar el Discovery, porque imaginaros, con ese traje con el calor que hace mirando por allá abajo, lo que sudaría la criatura. Ahora que tampoco es pa ponerse así, porque pa arrancar una chispa de fieltro de los bajos del cohete han montao la de Dios es Cristo, anda que si tuvieran que quitarle a mi coche el galipote del guardabarros hacen otra entrega de la Guerra de las Galaxias.